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Viagra - Correct Starting Dose

Unlike some medications, Viagra is short-acting with effects lasting for a day or so

So, it's easy to experiment with dosages of Viagra to find the one that's best for you.

Generally, I recommend starting with a relatively low dosage of Viagra seeing if that works, and increasing it if necessary.

The higher the dose of Viagra the more side effects you're likely to experience. Too high of a dose might also decrease your sensitivity; it may work "too well," giving you an erection that either won't go down or doesn't feel natural.

If your purchase Viagra online or from your local pharmacy, it's usually most economical to buy 100mg pills. Then, use a pill splitter to break it into two pieces or four.

Many men have success with a quarter piece of Viagra (25mg); I recommend you start with that if your erectile dysfunction is mild. If you have a known medical condition that causes your problem, you might start with 50mg.

If the low dose of Viagra works, great.

You can stop there, or see how it feels with a higher dose. If the lower dose of Viagra doesn't work, try a higher dose. But I recommend going in steps. If you don't have success at 25mg, try 50mg first, before jumping to 100mg.

Remember, you don't have to try Viagra affects everyone differently; you need to learn how it affects your body, and how you can make it suit your needs best.

Note: whatever Viagra dose you try, don't exceed 100mg in a 24 hour period. If 100mg doesn't work for you, try again on another day, in other circumstances. Don't try to overdose or mix it with other medications.

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